In previous issues of “Genealogy Pointers,” we have pointed out various features of Roberta Estes’ new book, The Complete Guide to Family TreeDNA. We will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come. The book is currently available in e-Pub format and both black-and- white and color print editions. By the way, if you already purchased or plan to purchase the black-and-white edition, please know that you can download a free, 26-page Color Supplement HERE.
Meantime, we have asked Roberta Estes to send us some tips about Family TreeDNA that current users and prospective purchasers may not be aware of. Here are a few more pointers in addition to the ones we shared in the July 2, 2024, and September 3, 2024 issues of “Genealogy Pointers.” For example, did you know this about its “Family Finder” attribute?
- FamilyTreeDNA is the only testing company to include X-DNA matching. X-DNA has its own unique inheritance path that can quickly narrow common ancestors.
- FamilyTreeDNA’s family matching feature uses relatives that you link to your tree to identify other matches maternally and paternally.
- FamilyTreeDNA includes a chromosome browser.
- You select multiple matches to view in the match matrix to determine if they are also related to each other.
- MyOrigins provides ethnicity segment information, allowing you to determine which of your matches also descend from an ancestor with the same ethnicity.
- Ethnicity chromosome painting plus matches by ethnicity.
- Receive free midrange Y-DNA haplogroup from autosomal test.