Now Available in a Print Edition! THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO FAMILY TREEDNA: Y-DNA, Mitochondrial, Autosomal and X-DNA

Several weeks ago, we published the e-Book version of Roberta Estes’ new work, The Complete Guide to FamilyTreeDNA: Y-DNA, Mitochondrial, Autosomal and X-DNA. (If you missed the announcement, you will find a summary of this important new title below). Today we are happy to report that the print version of Roberta’s book is now available[…]Read more

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DNA for Native American Genealogy Review

DNA for Native American Genealogy, by Roberta Estes, earns Strong Endorsement from National Genealogical Society Quarterly

The following review appeared in the December 2022 issue of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly. DNA far Native American Genealogy. By Roberta Estes. Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.; 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 229; Baltimore, MD  21211-1953;; 2021; ISBN’ 978-0-8063-2118-9. xiii,176 pp. Charts, glossary, illustrations, maps. Paperback. $34.95. “If you have a family[…]Read more

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New eBook! THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO FAMILY TREEDNA: Y-DNA, Mitochondrial, Autosomal and X-DNA

Publisher’s Note: is delighted to announce the publication of the original e-Book, The Complete Guide to FamilyTreeDNA: Y-DNA, Mitochondrial, Autosomal and X-DNA, by Roberta Estes,  author of the popular blog On or about July 1, 2024, we shall also publish the 8-1/2” x 11” paperback version of The Complete Guide to FamilyTreeDNA. All[…]Read more

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DNA for Native American Ancestry

Book Lays Out Ground Rules for Determining Native American Ancestry

DNA for Native American Ancestry, by Roberta Estes, begins by discussing fundamental issues involved in establishing Native American heritage. The author first defines the concept of “indigenous people.” She then answers questions like “Can DNA Results Identify a Tribe?” and “Can I Join a Tribe?”. Another section covers the requirements and benefits of tribal membership,[…]Read more

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First Nations in Canada and DNA Testin

First Nations in Canada and DNA Testing

Roberta Estes, author of DNA for Native American Genealogy, has written the following about Canada’s “First Nations.” “The Canadian government recognizes 634 First Nations bands who are similar to tribes in the United States, although the membership criteria is different. These bands comprise more than 2% of Canadian residents. “Like in the United States, benefits[…]Read more

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The Role of Geography in Native American Genealogy

The Role of Geography in Native American Genealogy

Among its many features, Roberta Estes’ acclaimed book, DNA for Native American Genealogy  includes step-by-step instructions, with illustrations, on how to use DNA testing at the four major DNA testing companies to further your genealogy and confirm or identify your Native American ancestors. Among the many other topics is a discussion of Population Genetics and[…]Read more

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