David Dobson, our most prolific writer and compiler, has been on a roll again. In 2021, we published his excellent guidebook, Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, which has garnered rave reviews from other experts like Chris Paton. We recently put together his multi-book series on the Scots-Irish into a fully-indexed two volume set entitled, Scots-Irish Links. Consolidated Edition [1575-1900], This work is by far the single greatest source on the individuals who participated in the establishment of the Ulster Plantation, many of whom or whose descendants ultimately found their way to the Americas.
More recently David Dobson has focused on the 19th-century residents of various cities and regions in Scotland. Each of these books is titled, “The People of . . . at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850.” Thus far the booklets have covered the towns/regions of Aberdeen, Argyll-Bute-Dunbarton, Dundee-Angus, Glasgow-Clydesdale, Inverness, North East Scotland, Northern Highland and Isles, Perth-Kinross, South East Scotland, and South West Scotland. Each title in the ”The People of” series begins with a historical and geographical introduction about the region and concludes with a full list of sources cited. The inhabitants are arranged alphabetically and about each we are bound to learn his occupation, a more specific location within the covered area, and a date establishing him/her in time. In many cases we also learn the identities of next of kin, place of military service, when graduated from university, vessel sailed upon, or other identifying information. To learn more about any/all of the books in this growing series, please click on one or more of the following links:
- The People of Aberdeen at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of Argyll, Bute, and Dunbarton at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of Dundee and Angus at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of Glasgow and Clydesdale at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of North East Scotland at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of Northern Highlands and Isles at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of Perth and Kinross at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of South West Scotland at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850
- The People of Inverness at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850