While so many of us are in our homes looking for ways to make good use of this troubling time, Genealogical.com is making an unprecedented offer. You can access our entire e-book collection with a one-time, special three-month subscription. Subscribe today and acquire a 750-book collection of the best publications in genealogy, and, at the same time, help us sustain our staff and our authors through this difficult time.
Our eBook collection is both vast and diverse. You will discover more than 150 how-to titles on American and European genealogy. These include titles on genealogy best practices; research methods and sources; directories of state and country record collections; special topics in genealogy such as the census, land records, church records, and more.

The remaining 600 titles contain millions of references to individuals and their families. Here you will find books focused primarily, but not entirely, on families who settled in America east of the Mississippi River and mostly along the Eastern Seaboard. Almost all these families arrived here before the Civil War and a majority did so prior to 1800. This collection consists of compiled genealogies; and source record collections including records of birth, death, marriage, land ownership and transfer, probate, military service, immigration, and many more. No other single collection will take you as far back in time as this one.
Of course, people were living here before the age of European exploration, and our Native American collection attests to it. Besides several excellent guidebooks for tracing American Indian forebears, including the famous Dawes Collection, the bulk of these titles contain family records of the Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole.
Nor do the contents of this electronic library don’t stop at our side of the Atlantic. It contains guidebooks and other research aids for researching your family throughout Great Britain and Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and other European countries, as well as in Latin America. Some of our immigration eBooks might take you to the very foreign locale whence your immigrant ancestor embarked for the New World. We also have a special set of titles devoted to the noble and royal families of Europe.
Using our eBook collection is easy. The eBook reader is built into the website itself making it a seamless reading experience. Each eBook is completely indexed and searchable. Open as many books at a time as you like. Whether you’re branching into a new geographical area, searching for the next generation of your family, or hoping to vault over a genealogist’s brick wall, you will find much in our eBook collection to choose from.
If you are an active genealogist, we hope you will agree that this very special collection of timeless genealogy titles is the perfect antidote for the Corona Virus quarantine. It doesn’t include every book we ever published; we have more than 1,000 additional titles that are still available only in print. We hope you will spend some time browsing our web site too.
Remember, this is a limited time offer. Our 3-month, $49.95 special will only be available for a limited time and will not be renewed. Don’t wait. The clock is ticking, and every day you delay could mean that the book(s) you wish you’d consulted are no longer available online. Sign up for your genealogy eBook subscription now.
I signed up for the 3 month deal for eBooks. But I still am not sure how to access the books. If I click on a title, it seems to want me to buy the book. I thought I would be able to read the book at your website.
Hi Laurie, and thanks for reaching out. Did you attempt to login at our subscription website, here (click ‘Login’ on the web page then use your credentials to access your subscription): https://library.genealogical.com/shelf/bonanza
Is it three months from the date you sign up or three months from the date of this announcement?
Hi Janice, you get three months access to the ePub library from the time you sign up.