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Get in on the great holiday savings that await you in our Columbus Day Sale!
From today through 11:59 PM EDT, Monday, October 8, 2018, you can order almost any product available at on this website at a discount of 20% off the current selling price of the books(s) of your choice.
To take advantage of this special holiday discount, simply add the special code CD2018 (all caps, no spaces) in the Coupon Box at the top left of the Checkout screen page of the check-out process before the October 8th deadline.
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You can use your special CD2018 discount code as many times as you like, so long as you place your final order by 11:59 PM EDT, Monday, October 8, 2018.
You might want to consider:
- The groundbreaking new book, Women Patriots in the American Revolution: Stories of Bravery, Daring, and Compassion, by Jack Darrell Crowder.
- Indian Wars of the American South, 1610-1858: A Guide for Genealogists and Historians, Michael Ports’ acclaimed guide to the participants and events of nearly 30 conflicts between Native Americans and the encroaching settlers.
- Pat Hatcher’s incomparable guide to using land records: Locating Your Roots: Discover Your Ancestors Using Land Records
- Other brand-new titles, such as the Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Strategies, by Elizabeth Shown Mills; the 7th Edition of Thomas J. Kemp’s International Vital Records Handbook; and the latest titles in ongoing series by Vernon L. Skinner (Abstracts of the Debt Books of the Provincial Land Office of Maryland) and David Dobson (Emigration books for Ireland and Scotland).
- Our Genealogy at a Glance series, now covering the states of Tennessee, South Carolina, and Mississippi, as well as Scots-Irish research, and Genetic genealogy.
- Jamestown People to 1800, by Martha W. McCartney, the fabulous sequel to her 2007 title, Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary
- Or anything else you find at www.genealogical.com, including already discounted titles!
Be sure to take advantage of this terrific opportunity while you can, and have a great holiday weekend.