Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond Review

National Genealogical Society Quarterly Endorses Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, by David Dobson

The June 2022 issue of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly (NGSQ) features a long review of Dr. David Dobson’s 2021 book, Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond. Norman D. Nicol, Ph.D., the writer of the review and an expert on Scottish family history himself, assesses each chapter of the book, often adding a suggestion here[…]Read more

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Genealogy Book Reviews

Our Books in the News

Here’s what they’re saying about a few of our popular titles. Free African Americans of North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina from the Colonial Period to About 1820, Paul Heinegg “Heinegg’s pioneering publication has only grown with each edition . . . While these brief biographies are of great value, researchers should also pay attention[…]Read more

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Scots-Irish Links Book Review

Chris Paton Gives Strong Endorsement to SCOTS-IRISH LINKS CONSOLIDATED EDN

Northern Ireland native Chris Paton manages the popular blog, “Scottish Genes.” Mr. Paton has written textbooks on Scottish and Irish genealogy, and he is a highly regarded professional genealogist running his own research service out of the Scottish coastal town, Irvine, North Ayrshire. On May 5, Chris Paton posted a glowing review of Dr. David[…]Read more

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Scots-Irish Links Consolidation Edition

David Dobson’s Scots-Irish Links Consolidated Edition incorporates sixteen separate titles published between 1994 and 2021 and covers persons of known Scots-Irish heritage between 1575 and 1900. Scots-Irish Links Consolidation Edition improves upon the original, small books by adding a full-name index to the entire opus, thereby identifying every person named in the alphabetically arranged abstracts.[…]Read more

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Scottish Genealogy

Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond Receives Strong Review in Library Journal

Library Journal, the leading professional magazine in its field and the primary source for book purchasing for collection development and acquisition librarians, just reviewed David Dobson’s new book, Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond. The review appeared in the August 2021 issue of the magazine, and we have reprinted it in its entirety below. Dobson,[…]Read more

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New Publication Connects Americans to their Irish and Scottish Forebears

New Publication Connects Americans to their Irish and Scottish Forebears

The new consolidated edition of Scots-Irish Links [1575-1875], by David Dobson identifies over 15,000 Scots-Irish inhabitants of the Ulster Plantation, and the indexes to those two volumes name an astounding 33,000 people connected to those inhabitants. Of course, even those numbers cannot compare with the wave of Scots who transplanted to Ireland. In the 17th-century[…]Read more

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Scottish Wills and Testaments

New Scottish Guidebook Provides Lowdown on Records of Inheritance

Among its many features, Dr. David Dobson’s new book, Scottish Genealogy: Beyond the Basics explains the process of inheritance in Scotland and the terms and locations researchers must reckon with when hunting for them.  Here’s a sample taken from the book:  Scottish Wills and Testaments In Scotland inheritance is controlled by a testament, a term[…]Read more

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