New Scots-Irish Books from David Dobson

More New Books from David Dobson

Over the past two years, we have published compendia devoted to two series of books compiled by Dr. David Dobson: Scots-Irish Links (16 parts), and Irish Emigrants in North America (10 parts). Both of these consolidated works improve upon their original components by adding full-name indexes and, especially for institutional buyers, by assembling all the various[…]Read more

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Irish and Scots-Irish Consolidations Identify Immigrants & Possible Forebears

Irish and Scots-Irish Consolidations Identify Immigrants & Possible Forebears

Over the last year and a half, has consolidated two series of books by Dr. David Dobson that were originally published in multiple installments. The first of these was Scots-Irish Links, 1525-1825: Consolidated and Indexed Edition. In Two Volumes, originally published in 15 parts but lacking an index.  To rectify these shortcomings, we re-numbered[…]Read more

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