The Nine Years War, also known as Tyrone’s Rebellion, lasted from 1593-1603. In that conflict, which ensued throughout the country of Ireland but mostly in Ulster, Irish lords Hugh O’Neill and Hugh Roe O’Donnell of Tyrconnell led an alliance that was ultimately unsuccessful in stopping the Tudor monarchy’s efforts to consolidate its power throughout the[…]Read more
Tag: Ireland
How to find your ancestor without a passenger list
No Passenger List? No official U.S. government passenger lists exist prior to 1820. What miscellaneous lists that have survived and been transcribed or published cover only a fraction of the immigrants who arrived in the Americas before 1820. If you do not possess a passenger list for your immigrant ancestor, are you at the end[…]Read more
Irish Genealogy – An Enjoyable Hobby, by Brian Mitchell
Brian Mitchell’ New Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy is a concise, use-friendly overview of tracing ancestors in the Emerald Isle and throughout the Irish diaspora. Author Brian Mitchell makes excellent use of case studies as well as his considerable experience as a genealogist and manager of an Irish genealogy center to explain the basics of[…]Read more
The Calendar of State Papers Relating to Ireland, by David Dobson
Since the medieval period many of the records of the English government have been analyzed and inventoried in collections known as “Calendars.” The documents have been transcribed, abstracted, and listed in chronological order in a series of publications, such as Calendar of State Papers, Domestic; Calendar of State Papers, Spanish; Calendar of State Papers, America[…]Read more