Hear Dr. David Dobson Speak about his Scottish Genealogy: The Basics &Beyond

Hear Dr. David Dobson Speak about his Scottish Genealogy: The Basics & Beyond

Dr. David Dobson has published over 150 books for Genealogical.com (trading as Genealogical Publishing Company and Clearfield Co.,). His books cover a wide range of Scottish and Irish source records, immigration, and a number of how-to books. His most recent book is the much-touted guidebook Scottish Genealogy: The Basics & Beyond. In preparation for the[…]Read more

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Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond

Excerpt from Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, by David Dobson

Today we are highlighting the first of several sections from Dr. David Dobson’s new book, Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond. The product of Mr. Dobson’s fifty years of research in Scotland, the British Isles, continental Europe and beyond, this new book is guaranteed to introduce researchers with Scottish ancestry to sources they’ve never laid[…]Read more

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New Spring Releases from Genealogical.com


Announcing new spring releases! Read below for details. [av_hr class=’short’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-uf899f’] Warwick County, Virginia Court Records, 1782-1843 By Richard Dunn [av_image src=’https://genealogical.com/wp-content/uploads/product_images/2018-03-16-09-46-50.5dda697c395f98f8c4a6721748e24599bed12f98-1-223×300.jpg’ attachment=’4779′ attachment_size=’medium’ align=’right’ styling=” hover=’av-hover-grow’ link=’manually,https://library.genealogical.com/printpurchase/Xdk51′ target=’_blank’ caption=’yes’ font_size=” appearance=’on-hover’ overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-tciv83′] View Book Details [/av_image][…]Read more

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Genealogy Book Review

Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond Garners More Praise for David Dobson

We recently received three new reviews for David Dobson’s new guidebook, Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond. The good notices came from the Midwest Book Review, the long-running genealogy column “Kinsearching,” and Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. We have excerpted the reviews for this issue of “Genealogy Pointers.” “Dobson has compiled an extensive list of the publications and archival records that[…]Read more

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The Calendar of State Papers Relating to Ireland, by David Dobson

Since the medieval period many of the records of the English government have been analyzed and inventoried in collections known as “Calendars.” The documents have been transcribed, abstracted, and listed in chronological order in a series of publications, such as Calendar of State Papers, Domestic; Calendar of State Papers, Spanish; Calendar of State Papers, America[…]Read more

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New Books from Dr David Dobson

New Books from Dr. David Dobson + Limited Time Special Offer

[av_button label=’View On-Sale David Dobson Books (Sale Expires 3-29-18)’ link=’manually,https://library.genealogical.com/shelf/sale-on-popular-david-dobson-books’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue84f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-6ymq84′] Dr. David Dobson is not only one of our most prolific authors he is also the leading authority on Scottish immigration to North America.  David born in Carnoustie, Scotland and educated at Dundee College[…]Read more

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Scottish Emigration

New Genealogy Handbook Summarizes Scottish Emigration Around the Globe

Among the valuable features readers will find in Dr. David Dobson’s new book, Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, is a chapter devoted to Scottish emigration. Since the author is the foremost authority on the subject, researchers can bank on what he has to say about the Scottish diaspora that proceeded, primarily, from the 17th[…]Read more

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New Genealogy Books

New December Releases from Genealogical.com

Check out our new releases for December 2020. Three new genealogy reference works available now from Genealogical.com. “much given to Talk and bad Company.” New-England Runaways, 1704-1754By Joseph Lee Boyle Mr. Boyle, who has heretofore extracted the runaway servant newspaper ads for the Middle Atlantic colonies/states, (MD, DE, NJ, PA & NY), now turns his[…]Read more

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British Migration to the West Indies Before 1800

British Migration to the West Indies Before 1800 By Dr. David Dobson The waning of Spanish power in the early seventeenth century enabled England to establish its Empire in the West Indies.  This began with Barbados then spread northwards in the Lesser Antilles and to Jamaica by 1655. English interest in the Caribbean during the[…]Read more

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