Maryland Revolutionary Records

Data Obtained from 3,050 Pension Claims and Bounty Land Applications, Including 1,000 Marriages of Maryland Soldiers and a List of 1,200 Proved Services of Soldiers and Patriots of Other States


Author: Newman, Harry Wright
Publication Date: 1938
Reprint Date: 2002
Pages: 155 pp.

Item #: 4100-m Categories: , , , ,


This extremely useful work derives from an examination of more than 3,000 Revolutionary War pension claims and bounty land applications. Part I, “Maryland Revolutionary Pensioners,” gives the name of the veteran, his date of birth, rank, name of the group in which he served, and the name of the pension applicant (the widow, for example). Part II consists of “Maryland Federal Bounty Land Grants,” giving the name of the soldier, his rank, acreage received, date the warrant was issued, and the warrant number. Part III is a list of Maryland soldiers who did not receive pensions but whose service has been established through records. Part IV consists of a list of marriages proved through Maryland pension applications, and Part V is a list of soldiers whose Revolutionary service was in states other than Maryland.

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