Maine Biographies. Volume I

Excerpted from "Maine Resources, Attractions, and Its People: A History"


Author: Coe, Harrie B.
Publication Date: 1928
Reprint Date: 2007
ISBN: 9780806351254


Following are the surnames of the persons featured in the biographical sketches of this volume, as compiled from the indexes appearing at the back of each volume.
Volume I: Abbott, Abernethy, Adams, Albiston, Aldrich, Alexander, Allen, Amesbury, Anderson, Andrew, Andrews, Ansell, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashworth, Atkins, Atwood, Ault, Austin, Authier, Averill, Ayer, Babb, Bachelder, Badger, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballou, Bancroft, Banfield, Bangs, Bard, Barker, Barron, Barrows, Bartlett, Bartley, Bass, Batchelder, Bate, Baxter, Bayley, Beasley, Beckwith, Beliveau, Belyea, Bennett, Berman, Berry, Besse, Bicknell. Biggers, Bigny, Binford, Bird, Bishop, Blaisdell, Blanchard, Blodgett, Bodwell, Bolduc, Bolster, Bond, Boody, Booth, Boston, Bosworth, Bourne, Bowden, Bowler, Bowles, Boyd, Boyle, Boynton, Brackett, Bradeen, Bradford, Brady, Bragdon, Bragg, Breard, Breen, Brett, Brewster, Bridge, Bridgham, Briggs, Broadhead, Brookings, Brown, Bryant, Bunker, Burgess, Burleigh, Burrill, Burroughs, Bussell, Butler, Butterfield, Buzzell, Byer, Cadwallader, Cahill, Cahners, Cain, Call, Campbell, Carey, Carll, Carpenter, Carter, Carver, Cary, Cassily, Cates, Catlin, Chadbourne, Chandler, Chapman, Chase, Cheney, Chesley, Church, Clark, Clarke, Cleaves, Clement, Clifford, Clough, Cobb, Coburn, Cochrane, Coe, Coffin, Cohen, Cole, Collins, Conant, Conarroe, Conley, Connor, Cony, Cook, Coombs, Cooper, Copeland, Copp, Cordeau, Corrigan, Corriveau, Cote, Cousens, Crafts, Craig, Cram, Cratty, Crockett, Crosson, Crowe, Crowell, Crowley, Cummings, Curtis, Cyr, Dailey, Dana, Dane, Danforth, Darling, Davies, Davis, Day, Dean, Dearth, Decary, DeForest, Delorge, Denencour, Dennett, Dennis, Desjardins, Dewar, Diplock, Doak, Dodd, Dodge, Donahue, Donohue, Dore, Doughty, Douglas, Douglass, Dow, Downing, Downs, Doyle, Drain, Drake, Dresser, Drew, Drummond, Dumont, Dunham, Dunn, Dunning, Dunton, Durand, Dwinal, Dyer, Eastman, Eaton, Edelstone, Edes, Edminster, Edwards, Eldridge, Ellingwood, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Elwell, Emerson, Emery, Emmons, Emond, Erickson, Estes, Evans, Eye, Fahey, Farmer, Farnum, Farrar, Farrell, Fay, Felows, Fenderson, Ferguson, Fernald, Fernandez, Ferren, Field, Finney, Flanagan, Flanders, Fletcher, Flynt, Fogg, Forbes, Ford, Forhan, Foss, Fossett, Foster, Fowles, Freeman, French, Friend, Frisbee, Frost, Frothingham, Fuller, Furber, Furbish, Gallagher, Gannett, Gardner, Garner, Garnsey, Gates, Gendron, Getchell, Gignoux, Gilbert, Gilchrest, Gillin, Gilman, Gilpatrick, Given, Gleszer, Glidden, Glover, Goding, Gonya, Goodall, Goodin, Goodwin, Googin, Gordon, Gould, Gove, Gowell, Graffam, Grant, Granville, Gray, Greene, Greenleaf, Gregory, Griffin, Grumley, Guerin, Haggett, Hahn, Haines, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hallen, Ham, Hamel, Hamlen, Hamlin, Hammond, Hannaford, Hanscom, Hanson, Harding, Hargraves, Harlow, Harmon, Harrigan, Harris, Harrison, Harthorn, Hartung, Harvey, Haskell, Hastings, Hatch, Hayden, Hayes, Hazzard, Heath, Hegarty, Hendee, Henderson, Henry, Herrin, Hescock, Heselton, Hewins, Hibbert, Hickey, Hicks, Higgins, Hilbert, Hildreth, Hill, Hills, Hilton, Hinckley, Hobbs, Hodgdon, Hodgkins, Holbrook, Holmes, Homstead, Hooper, Houdlette, Houston, Howard, Hoxie, Hubbard, Huggard, Hume, Hunnewell, Huntington, Hunton, Hurd, Hurley, Husey, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Irish, Jackson, Jameson, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Kaler, Keegan, Keene, Kelleher, Keller, Kelley, Kendall, Kennard, Kerr, Kezar, Kimball, Kinsman, Kirstien, Kittredge, Knowles, Knowlton, La Casce, Laflamme, Lancaster, Lander, Lane, Lantagne, Larochelle, Lasselle, Lathbury, Latno, Laughlin, Lausier, Laws, Leach, Leavitt, Ledyard, Leighton, Lennan, Lesieur, Lethiecq, Libby, Linnell, Littlefield, Locke, Lombard, Lord, Loring, Lovely, Luce, Lugrin, MacKay, McCarthy, McCarty, McDonald, McDougal, McDougall, McFarland, McGillicuddy, McGouldrick, McLeary, McNaughtan, McNaughton, McNulty, Macdonald, Macomber, Maliar, Mallett, Malo, Manley, Mann, Manser, Marble, Markson, Marr, Marriner, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathes, Mathews, Maxcy, Maxim, Maxwell, Mayo, Meader, Merchant, Merrill, Miller, Millett, Milliken, Mitchell, Mixer, Monk, Moore, Moran, Morey, Morison, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Moses, Mosher, Moulton, Mountain, Mudgett, Murphy, Murray, Naugler, Neal, Needelman, Nelson, Newcomb, Newell, Newman, Nichols, Nickerson, Norris, Norton, Nowell, Nutter, O’Brien, O’Connell, O’Connor, O’Kane, Oakes, Ogunquit, Olfene, Osher, Owen, Packard, Palmer, Paquin, Parcher, Parent, Park, Partridge, Pattangall, Patterson, Peck, Pendleton, Perkins, Perry, Peterson, Petrich, Phelps, Philbrick, Pierce, Pike, Pillsbury, Pinansky, Pingree, Piper, Pitts, Pletts, Plummer, Potter, Powell, Pratt, Preble, Precourt, Prescott, Price, Pride, Prime, Pritham, Pulsifer, Purinton, Putnam, Quimby, Quinn, Quint, Quinton, Raitt, Rand, Randall, Randlette, Rankin, Ray, Reardon, Reed, Reid, Renouf, Rice, Ricker, Rideout, Ridlon, Riley, Ring, Ripley, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robie, Robinson, Roderick, Rodgers, Rogers, Rollins, Ross, Rowe, Rudman, Rumery, Rundle, Runnals, Rush, Russell, Ryan, St. Clair, St. Germain, Sampson, Sanborn, Sanders, Sargent, Saunders, Savage, Sawyer, Scannell, Searle, Seavey, Seeley, Senior, Sewall, Shackford, Shapleigh, Shaw, Sheehan, Sheltra, Shepherd, Sherburne, Showalter, Siddall, Simons, Simpson, Skelton, Sloan, Small, Smith, Snow, Soroker, Soule, Southard, Speed, Speirs, Spenard, Spencer, Spiller, Spinney, Sprince, Springall, Stanley, Stetson, Stevens, Stewart, Stilphen, Stockwell, Stone, Stratton, Strout, Stubbs, Sturtevant, Sweet, Swett, Swift, Taft, Tarbox, Taylor, Teague, Thaxter, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornton, Thurber, Thurston, Titcomb, Tobey, Towle, Tozier, Tracy, Trafton, Trask, Treadwell, Trefethen, Tribou, Trickey, Trufant, Turner, Twaddle, Tyson, Vaughan, Veazie, Verrill, Viles, Violette, Wadleigh, Wadsworth, Waite, Walker, Warner, Warrell, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weare, Weatherbee, Webb, Webster, Wedge, Weed, Weeks, Welch, Wentworth, Wescott, Weymouth, Whalen, Wheaton, Wheeler, White, Wiggin, Willard, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wing, Winslow, Winter, Wiseman, Witham, Withington, Wood, Woodard, Woodbury, Woodman, Woodsum, Woodward, Worsnop, Wright, Yeaton, and Young.

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