RootsTech 2022 FAQs

What is is the oldest and most respected publisher of genealogy books in the United States. Since 1958, under the Genealogical Publishing Company (GPC) and Clearfield Company brands’s catalog has grown to more than 2,000 publications, our publications include Val D. Greenwood’s Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy and Elizabeth Shown Mills’ Evidence Explained, which have set the standard on their topics. Our mission is to provide the best published resources for genealogists and historians looking for assistance in their research.

Are your publications available only as printed books?

No. Besides our large catalog of print books, you can purchase about half of our titles as eBooks. Furthermore, for researchers hoping to access a large number of publications, we have also created a number of subscription collections of our titles. As a matter of fact, be sure to check out our extraordinary subscription offer at RootsTech. It will give you access to over 800 ebooks for up to a year!

What kinds of genealogy books does publish?

Our collection is both vast and diverse. You will discover more than 150 how-to titles on American and European genealogy. These include titles on genealogy best practices; research methods and sources; directories of state and country record collections; special topics in genealogy such as the census, land records, church records, and more. Store – The remaining 1,850 titles are full of data; they contain tens of millions of references to individuals and their families. Although we don’t publish a complete catalogue of all 2,000 titles, you can download our most recent quarterly and annual catalogues of publications from our RootsTech exhibit.

What do your source record books cover?

Here you will find books focused primarily, but not entirely, on families who settled in America east of the Mississippi River and mostly along the Eastern Seaboard. Almost all these families arrived here before the Civil War and a majority did so prior to 1800. Here you will find compiled genealogies; source record collections including records of birth, death, marriage, land ownership and transfer, probate, military service, immigration, and many more. No other single collection will take you as far back in time in the U.S. as this one. We also publish a number of books dealing with Native American genealogy. A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699 –

So, your books only cover families in America?

Not at all, they don’t stop at our side of the Atlantic. We also publish scores of guidebooks and source books for researching your family throughout Great Britain and Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and other European countries, as well as in Latin America. Store – Genealogy at a Glance: Mexico Genealogy Research – Some of our immigration books could take you to the precise foreign locale where your immigrant ancestor embarked for the New World. We also have a special cluster of titles devoted to the noble and royal families of Europe. Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists –

How can I Find the kind of book I need on

Finding what you are looking for on is easy. Just go to our home page (link) and look for the words “Search our Catalogue” on the right-hand side. If you know the title of the book you want, its author, ISBN number, or the item number, just enter it in the appropriate search box and click enter. If you need help but don’t have a specific title in mind, you can still search geographically (filter by region), topically (filter by subject), or chronologically (time period). Choose one of the corresponding three search boxes, scroll through a drop-down menu, select the item that comes closest to your need (Kentucky, Revolutionary War, Medieval), and then browse the titles that come up in that category. (By the way, it’s always a good idea to click on “New Search”) after you have exhausted all the titles that come up in a prior search.)

eBooks are cheaper than print ones. How can I tell if a book is available in electronic format?

Approximately 800 of the titles in our collection are available in both print and e-book format. You can tell if this is the case when the product description of a given book asks you to “choose an option.” State Census Records – and when you see a price range for the title. Ebooks are cheaper than their print counterparts, by at least 33%. You can also bring up our entire e-book collection by clicking on the ebook tab at top of our home page. Using our e-book collection is easy. First download the e-pub reader. Each e-book is completely indexed and searchable. Open as many books at a time as you like. Whether you’re branching into a new geographical area, searching for the next generation of your family, or hoping to vault over a genealogist’s brick wall, you will find much in our e-book collection to choose from. One of our special offers at RootsTech involves our eBook collection

What if your books and eBooks are still outside my price range?

If you find yourself stuck in one or more phases of your research, we know you are attending RootsTech looking for solutions. One of the “Discover More” links in our exhibit could be just what the doctor ordered. There you can learn about our series of inexpensive, laminated research aids, “Genealogy at a Glance,” covers nearly 50 different genealogy subjects. Written by experts, each title in the series is full of tips and shortcuts that only an expert could provide. The series covers U.S. states east of the Mississippi River, research in other countries from Mexico to Russia, and special topics in genealogy like finding female ancestors, the Revolutionary War, cemetery records, and more. Store – Another series of inexpensive, laminated cheat sheet is our “Quicksheet” series, all of them authored by esteemed genealogist Elizabeth Shown Mills. Quicksheets explain how to cite sources found in selected online platforms or formats, and guide researchers in the discovery process associated with historical or genealogical research. Store –

Are you running any special promotions at RootsTech 2022?

Like many other vendors at RootsTech 2022, we have prepared a few promotions for the attendees. You can take part in our 20% discount on any title in our entire collection of 2,000 publications. Whether you opt for the print or electronic version (if available), you can save 20% on publications between March 3 and April 2, just by applying a special discount code in the check-out process.