Irish and Scots-Irish Consolidations Identify Immigrants & Possible Forebears

Irish and Scots-Irish Consolidations Identify Immigrants & Possible Forebears

Over the last year and a half, has consolidated two series of books by Dr. David Dobson that were originally published in multiple installments. The first of these was Scots-Irish Links, 1525-1825: Consolidated and Indexed Edition. In Two Volumes, originally published in 15 parts but lacking an index.  To rectify these shortcomings, we re-numbered[…]Read more

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Genealogists Must Consider Women’s Property Rights

Genealogists Must Consider Women’s Property Rights

One of the most fascinating chapters in the Fourth Edition of The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, by Val D. Greenwood, concerns women’s property rights. Chapter 23, “Property Rights of Women as a Consideration,” while not specifically focused on finding records relating to women, nonetheless explores “the legal considerations that will help you better understand[…]Read more

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Irish Emigrants in North America: Consolidated Edition.

Who’s In Irish Emigrants in North America?

This new consolidated edition brings together all ten Parts of David Dobson’s series, Irish Emigrants in North America. A comprehensive index of names has been added to facilitate the reader’s search through all ten Parts. Moreover, the index identifies the many other Irish persons—wives, children, parents, ships’ captains, indenturers, etc.–named in the emigrant profiles who[…]Read more

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Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy

Winning Review for Generation by Generation on “Organize Your Family History”

Professional organizer Janine Adams writes the blog, Organize Your Family History. She also has produced a bundle of publications to help genealogists keep themselves on track as they gather more and more information about their family. Janine recently reviewed Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy, by Drew Smith.  Here is[…]Read more

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The Genealogist’s Research Report, by Nancy A. Peters, CG, CGL

The Genealogist’s Research Report, by Nancy A. Peters, CG, CGL

Excerpted from: Nancy A. Peters, “Research Reports,” Elizabeth Shown Mills, ed., Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards(Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2018), 417-450. Genealogists conduct research. They must then communicate the results. Professional researchers are judged not only by the outcome of their investigation, but by how well they present their findings through their primary work product—the research[…]Read more

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