Do you have Welsh ancestry? If so, can you answer the following questions: Which centuries marked the greatest waves of emigration from Wales? What were the dominant religious denominations in Wales prior to 1900? Why is knowledge of a Welsh ancestor’s maiden name helpful in pinpointing a family’s location in Wales? When did civil registration of vital records commence?
If you cannot answer one or more of the above questions, you should get your hands on—or download– Genealogy at a Glance: Welsh Genealogy Research, by John Rowlands and Beryl Evans, the two leading authorities on Welsh family history. Mr. Rowlands and Ms. Evans are the authors of definitive textbooks on Welsh genealogy, and in just a few pages they boil down the basics of that subject for the novice, or someone seeking a quick refresher course. In merely four laminated pages—the equivalent of a 10-page journal article—the authors cover the historical background to Welsh genealogy, the crucial importance of Welsh names and naming practices, the country’s major religious denominations, emigration, and the key genealogical sources. The latter topic, of course, is the focal point of the publication, and here the authors drill down into parish registers, bishop’s transcripts, marriage bonds, census records, probate records, tithe maps (showing the payments charged on land users), and newspapers. A separate section covers the key online sources for Welsh genealogy.
The authors offer special tips throughout the text that readers can follow to get the maximum benefit from each of the cited sources. Readers will also find references to the best books and online sources in the field. In short, Genealogy at a Glance: Welsh Genealogy Research provides the genealogist with the elements of a Welsh research strategy at his fingertips. It represents undoubtedly the best four pages on Welsh family history ever published.
The Genealogy at a Glance series of instant research aids are all written by leading scholars in the field. Many, like the new Welsh installment, are authored by the leading authorities. If your research is taking you in search of your immigrant ancestors (or their descendants), you cannot go wrong with any of the following research aids, and they are available in digital as well as laminated formats.
- Genealogy at a Glance. English Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Finding Eastern European Jewish Ancestors
- Genealogy at a Glance. French Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. French-Canadian Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. German Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Irish Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Italian Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Mexico Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Ontario, Canada Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Polish Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Russian Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Scots-Irish Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Scottish Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Swedish Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Ukrainian Genealogy Research
- Genealogy at a Glance. Welsh Genealogy Research