Like most genealogical societies, the National Genealogical Society will be holding its annual conference virtually this year. In fact the 2021 conference is literally days away (May 17-21). Here’s NGS’ vision for this year’s event:
“Learn new strategies, resources, records, and techniques to sharpen your family history skills at the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Family History Conference in 2021. Plans for NGS’s forty-third annual conference* include a full week of virtual events for individuals, societies, and organizations from 17-21 May 2021. NGS will feature days of great speakers, novel topics, live chat, Q&A time, a virtual expo hall, the NGS Awards announcements, drawings for genealogy-related prizes and more!”
Just as we did at the February “RootsTech Connect” virtual conference, Genealogical.com will have an exhibit at NGS. When you come to our booth, you can expect to find examples of recent publications; several author video presentations, including one by David Dobson about his new book Scottish Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond; free catalogues; and, of course, special offers on various titles. Speaking about things special, our book Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards, edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills, is one of the award winners at the conference. (See the following article.) We’ll be crowing about Progen PPS in our exhibit, so if you haven’t bought your copy yet, this could be your opportunity to do so—AND save with a conference special offer!