We are less than three weeks away (February 25-27) from what will certainly be the biggest genealogy event ever undertaken, RootsTech Connect 2021. Unlike previous annual RootsTech conferences held in person at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah, Covid 19 has compelled organizers to hold the 2021 version online. Undeterred by the pandemic, intrepid RootsTech Connect planners have not only created a full conference via the Internet, but they have made it entirely free of charge. This virtual conference, sponsored by FamilySearch.org, has already registered more than 150,000 attendees from around the world. If you have never been to a live RootsTech conference or have not yet registered for this year’s virtual one, we strongly encourage you to do so at RootsTech 2021 will be held as a virtual event February 25-27, 2021
RootsTech is the banana split of genealogy conferences. When you see how many options for genealogical education and edification it has to offer, you’re likely to drool or, at least, be glued to your computer screen for all three days of the event. For almost every hour of the affair, you can choose from a half-dozen or more lectures by leading genealogy authorities. Each day will also feature one or more keynote celebrity speakers (in prior years these have included Laura Bush, Donny Osmond, and Patricia Heaton). There’s also a large virtual exhibit hall filled with the leading vendors in the field and a number of interesting newbies. (See below)
Of course, Genealogical.com will have a virtual exhibit at RootsTech Connect, too. If you come to our booth, you can see several authors talk about their books, as well as pick up some extra tips for your own research. You’ll be able to download free copies of catalogues. We will have a number of conference-only special promotions. Be sure to read next week’s issue of “Genealogy Pointers” for more details. In the meantime be sure to register for RootsTech Connect.
I’m registered and looking forward to it. I’ve registered to get the newsletters but haven’t received one. Have you issued any in the past two weeks? I’d just like to keep my Ward updated on any new stuff, especially like when we can see the class schedule.
Can you explain Discovery Day a bit more? Which day and time is it? Is that when Elder Holland and Elder Bednar and others will be speaking?
How many are now registered? Last I heard, the number was 205,000.
Any other news, I’ll be happy to keep my Ward posted.
I don’t see a link to “Discovery Day.” Here is the just-posted link to the full list of lectures:
If you go to the registration page, just below the picture you will find the above link and the link to the main stage programs. Since RootsTech plans to keep all the programs on line for 12 months, I suspect that there won’t be a “discovery day” this year, but I could be wrong.
Joe Garonzik
Ok, I may be using the wrong term. What I’m really asking about is when the LDS Church leaders, Elder Holland and Elder Bednar (and others with them) will be speaking.