The Midwest Books Review, edited by James A. Cox of Oregon, Wisconsin, has for decades been an important source of advice for library acquisition librarians in deciding what new publications to add to their collections. Brian Mitchell’s New Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy just received a stellar review from Mr. Cox, and we are reprinting it below in its entirety. Do you have Irish forebears? If so, you may wish to heed the advice from the Midwest Book Review and get your own copy of the New Pocket Guide.
“Synopsis: “New Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy ” by Brian Mitchell is one of the most complete and informative books on genealogical research in Ireland ever written. Because genealogists now have ready access online to most of Irish record sources, Brian Mitchell has completely revised his guide to meet the needs of today’s researchers and direct them to the most current websites and resources.
“The examination of seven major records will throw quite detailed light on most peoples’ Irish ancestry and by skillfully blending Irish history, record sources, case studies, maps, charts, and his own mastery of the subject, Mitchell has put together a masterful handbook to Irish genealogical research.
“Following introductory chapters on the background of Irish genealogy and how to get started in your research, Mitchell describes the nature and uses of all significant record sources in Ireland, including but not limited to civil and parish registers, gravestone inscriptions, wills, census returns and census substitutes, the Griffith’s Valuation, tithe books, newspapers, hearth money rolls, the registry of deeds, estate records, and ordnance survey memoirs.
“Also included are the addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and websites for the major record repositories, as well as a section discussing DNA and genetic genealogy as applicable to Irish genealogy research. Mitchell concludes with itemizing the three steps researchers should take first, and then including case studies to illustrate how to apply these steps.
“Critique: Expertly written, organized and presented, “New Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy” is an ideal instructional guide and reference for anyone seeking to do genealogical research with respect to their Irish ancestors and is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Genealogy Research Studies collections and supplemental curriculum reading lists.”