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FREE! 2018-2019 Catalogue is proud to announce its 2018-2019 Combined Catalogue!

The catalogue is 34 pages long, illustrated, and features indexes to authors and subjects. In all, the catalogue refers to upwards of 400 of our newest and most popular books and CDs (though not to all 2,000 of publications found on Without a doubt, the 2018-2019 Combined Catalogue encompasses the single best collection of current genealogical publications around.

To view and download your copy, just click on the button below and get ready to browse descriptions of the best genealogy reference books available.

[av_button label=’View and Download 2018-2019 Catalogue’ link=’manually,/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Genealogical_Catalog_2018.pdf’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue84d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-2864ol’]


Have questions regarding our Genealogy Book Catalog? Please leave them in the comments section below!

4 thoughts on “FREE! 2018-2019 Catalogue

  1. I am trying to locate a couple books by Jack Darrell Crowder. The article said you were the publisher, but the author and his books are not in the computer catalog.
    1) Strange, Amazing and Funny Events that Happened during the American Revolution. 145 pages. Pub. 2019
    2) The First 24 hours of the American Revolution 129 pages. Pub. 2018

  2. If you go on our website,, and do an Item number search, you will find the Crowder books you want under these item numbers:
    1st 24 Hours Item 9642
    Strange and Amazing Item #9643

  3. The button to push for the new catalog did not appear when I viewed your website. Please send me a catalog.
    P.J. Haber
    212 Otterview Road
    Forest, VA 24551

    1. Dear Ms. Haber,

      Thanks for letting us know that the catalogue button is not working. I will mail you a copy today.

      Joe Garonzik
      Marketing Director

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