Virginia Genealogies

A Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and Virginia, Also of the Families of Ball, Brown, Bryan, Conway, Daniel, Ewell, Holladay, Lewis, Littlepage, Moncure, Peyton, Robinson, Scott, Taylor, Wallace, and Others of Virginia and Maryland


Author: Hayden, Horace Edwin
Publication Date: 1891
Reprint Date: 2004
Pages: 777 pp.
ISBN: 9780806301747


Here is one of the most comprehensive single-volume compilations of Virginia family histories every assembled. Besides the families mentioned in the title, lineages and extensive genealogical notes are devoted to the following families: Alexander, Argyll, Armistead, Ashby, Ashton, Baldwin, Bankhead, Barnes, Bertrand, Blackburn, Blackwell, Boggs, Bond, Bouldin, Brocas, Bronaugh, Buchan, Bull, Bulitt, Bushrod, Byers, Cabell, Campbell, Cave, Chapman, Chichester, Chilcott, Chinn, Churchill, Claggett, Clarke, Cordell, Craik, Crane, Curry (Currie), Dade, Doddridge, Downman, Edwards, Ellett, Eltonhead, Eno, Eustace, Fleet, Fouke, Fox, Gaskins, Gerrard, Gordon, Green, Grinman, Gwynn, Hack, Halsey, Harrison, Haxall, Hayden, Heath, Hedgman, Henderson, Hening, Henry, Hill, Hooe, Horner, Hughes, Jones, Kenner, Key, Lee, Lippitt, Madison, Mason, McCarty, Mitchell, Mitchelson, Morgan, Morson, Morton, Nalle, Nelson, Overton, Packard, Paine, Patterson, Patton, Payne, Paynter, Pearson, Pegram, Pickett, Pollock, Powell, Price, Prioleau, Randolph, Raven, Richard, Robertson, Rowzee, Scarborough, Screven, Selden, Smith, Soverville, Spann, Speke, Stanard, Stevenson, Stone, Symes, Tabb, Thacker, Thornton, Threlkeld, Travers, Travis, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Vance, Vivian, Waller, Ware, Washington, Webb, Weems, West, White, Whiting, Williams, Winston, Wise, Wood, Woodrow, and Wormeley.

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