The Albemarle Parish Register of Surry and Sussex Counties, Virginia

Births, Deaths and Sponsors, 1717-1778


Author: Boddie, John Bennett
Publication Date: 1958
Reprint Date: 2008
Pages: 167 pp.
ISBN: 9780806300245


This register is unique in that it is the only existing complete parish register for the section of Virginia south of the James River extending from Brunswick to Princess Anne counties. It is alphabetically arranged by family name and includes names, dates of births, and less frequently, deaths, names of parents, and the names of all sponsors at christenings (those who were godparents, usually being relatives). There is a separate index to sponsors, which, when calculated with the main entries in the text, pushes the total number of persons named to approximately 11,000.

In the interests of genealogical and historical accuracy, it should be noted that Albemarle Parish was created by an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia in 1738 from the parishes of Southwark and Lawne’s Creek, having its northern boundary along Blackwater River. Surry County was formed in 1652 out of territory belonging to James City County south of the James River, and Albemarle Parish was a part of Surry until 1754, when Sussex was partitioned off.

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