Maryland Records

Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church from Original Sources. 2 vols.


Author: Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus
Publication Date: 1915, 1928
Reprint Date: 2008
Pages: xii, 513 xvi, 688 pp.
ISBN: 9780806300597


This is the most comprehensive collection of basic information ever compiled in the field of Maryland records of genealogical interest. Along with the 1776 census–which lists every inhabitant in every household in eight of the then-existing Maryland counties–are marriages, loyalty oaths, tombstone inscriptions, pensions, naturalizations, surveys, rent rolls, and other types of lists. The marriage records–to cite only one example–cover the counties of Anne Arundel, Charles, Frederick, Montgomery, St. Mary’s, Washington, and Worcester; while church records include birth and deathr ecords of All Saints Parish, Frederick, 1727-1781, and parish registers of Prince George’s Parish, Prince George’s County, and St. Martin’s Parish in Worcester County. More than 50,000 individuals are named.

” When these volumes appeared, they became at once an important starting point for pre-Revolutionary and Revolutionary period research in Maryland. They remain so today.”–Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Vol. XXIX, No. 2 (1975)

Perhaps no other publication contains inside its covers such a wide variety of helpful materials for the researcher in Maryland genealogy.”–Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin (Summer 1978).

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