Kentuckians in Missouri

Including Many Who Migrated by Way of Ohio, Indiana, or Illinois


Author: Sprague, Stuart Seely
Publication Date: 1983
Reprint Date: 2008
Pages: iv 209 pp.
ISBN: 9780806310138


Many Kentuckians migrated to Missouri in the 19th century, but there has been little known about them. Now, this work which came from a study of some sixty Missouri county histories and “mug-books,” provides records of over 4,000 persons born in Kentucky who migrated to Missouri, some by way of Ohio, Indiana, or Illinois.

Arranged in tabular form under county of origin, the entries include: the name of the Kentucky migrant, his birthdate, the names of his parents and their dates and places of birth (if known), the name of the Missouri county in which the migrant settled, and the earliest known date of his residence in Missouri. The index has about 10,000 names mentioned in the text.

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