Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution, April 1775 to December 1783

New, Revised and Enlarged Edition. With Addenda by Robert H. Kelby


Author: Heitman, Francis B.
Publication Date: 1914, 1932
Reprint Date: 2008
Pages: 698 pp.


This standard reference work on the officers of the Revolutionary War contains an alphabetically arranged list, with service records, of 14,000 officers of the Continental Army, including many officers of the militia and state troops who served during the Revolution. The information includes rank, dates of service, when and where wounded, taken prisoner, exchanged, killed, etc., with the name of the state in which service was rendered and designation of company and command.

Since much of the data is not available from official records, other reliable sources of information were consulted; data was added therefrom to complete the service record of each officer. Some 6,000 names not recorded in the earlier edition of 1893 were added, and a great many records were revised and completed for the last published edition of 1914. This work also includes a list of French officers who served in the Continental Army, as well as alphabetical and chronological lists of battles and skirmishes.

“. . . this is the best and basic source for identification of Revolutionary War officers”–The Virginia Genealogist (Jan.-Mar., 1974)

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