Genealogies of Rhode Island Families contains all the articles on Rhode Island families that were published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register since its inception in 1846 through 1989. With the exception of articles pertaining to the immigrant origins of Rhode Island families, which have been published elsewhere, it comprises many of the best genealogical articles of the past 140 years, and includes important contributions by leading 19th-century genealogists as well as some of the seminal work of the leading 20th-century genealogists, including the formidable G. Andrews Moriarty. A lengthy and informative introduction by Gary Boyd Roberts, the Director of Publications at the New England Historic Genealogical Society, presents a comprehensive picture of the current state of Rhode Island genealogy and concludes with an updating, through 1987, of Mr. Roberts’ own “Bibliography of 100 Colonial Rhode Island Families.” A special feature of this hefty two-volume work is the inclusion of source records in Volume II. Covering at least fifteen towns, these records include forty or more pages each on Block Island, Bristol, Little Compton, Newport, and Tiverton. Indexes to the two volumes contain a total of 40,000 entries.
Researchers should note that Genealogies of Rhode Island Families from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register is a wholly different collection of Rhode Island family histories from Clearfield’s related publication, Genealogies of Rhode Island Families from Rhode Island Periodicals, which is derived from six other (and very scarce) Rhode Island magazines.
Following is a list of the main families featured in Genealogies of Rhode Island Families from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register: Alden, Allen, Almy, Amsbury, Anthonys, Arnold, Bannister, Barton, Bensley, Billings, Bowen-Wade, Bracy, Bradford, Brown, Brown-Hall, Browne, Brownell, Burton, Card, Carr, Carver, Case, Chapin, Chase, Clarke, Cole, Cooke, Corey-Hamilton, Cornell, Cranston, Dennis, Dickens, Duncan, Earle, Eastabrooks, Easton, Finney, Franklin, Gavet, Gereardy, Gibbs, Ginnedo-Morey, Gorham, Gray, Gray-Ide, Greene, Hall, Harris, Hartshorn, Hastings, Hathaway, Hawkins, Hazard, Hoar-Lawton-Southworth, Holden-Wells-Low-Green, Holder, Howland, Hutchinson, James, Jones, Knight, Knowles, Langley, Lawton, Lillibridge, Lippitt, Littlefield, Mallett, Manchester, Mitchell, Mosher, Mott, Moulder, Mowry, Niles, Northup, Papillon, Payne/Paine, Peabody, Peckham, Poore, Price, Prince-Wood, Rathbun, Ray, Rhodes, Rogers, Rosbotham, Salisbury, Sandford, Sandford-Stratton, Sanford, Sayles, Scott, Scott and White, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shepard, Sherman, Slocum, Smith, Sprague, Stafford, Strang/Strange, Strengthfield, Tallman, Turner, Turner-Godfrey-Woodward-Cobb, Vernon, Viall, Wager and Hull, Waite, Wayte-Wood, Weatley, Westcott-Lewis, Whipple, Wilcox, and Wilson-Rouse.
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