This three-volume work represents a complete collection of articles from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register devoted exclusively to Mayflower passengers and their progeny. The three encyclopedic volumes contain hundreds of articles on families and individuals of Mayflower descent and comprise not only the largest body of such materials in print but the most comprehensive collection of writings of the foremost Mayflower scholars of the 19th and 20th centuries.
The descendants of the Mayflower Pilgrims peopled most of Plymouth and much of Bristol and Barnstable (Cape Cod) counties before the American Revolution, and today they are counted in the millions. Twenty of the twenty-three Mayflower passengers who left children–all except Doty, Eaton, and Rogers–are represented here by articles on their English origin, life, children, or agnate progeny, or the agnate progeny of various sons-in-law. In addition there are articles here concerning third, fourth, fifth, and sixth generation Mayflower descendants who bore other surnames, and articles containing genealogies of other immigrants, often to Plymouth or Cape Cod, much of whose own third or fourth generation agnate progeny was also descended, through mothers or grandmothers, from one or more of the twenty-three Mayflower sires. The already formidable proportions of this work are further enhanced by the inclusion of name indexes bearing reference to about 100,000 persons, and by a most informative introduction by Gary Boyd Roberts, the Director of Research at the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Listed below are the surnames of the principals who are featured in the articles–only a fraction of the total number of surnames represented in the opus:
Adams, Adams-Bradford, Adams-Boylston, Alden, Allerton, Ames, Arey, Avery, Barber-Winslow-Elliott, Barker, Barlow, Barnaby, Bartlett, Bassett, Billington, Blackwell, Blake-Haskell-Jones, Bonney, Bourne, Bradford, Brewster, Brown, Bryant, Burton, Carpenter, Carver, Chandler, Chilton, Chipman, Church, Cook, Coolidge, Curwen, Cushing, Cushman, D’Wolf, Delano, Denison, Eells, Eldredge, Ellis, Ely, Faunce, Fletcher, Fosters, Freeman, Fuller, Gibbs, Godfrey, Gorham, Gray-Ide, Greene, Hack, Haliburton, Hamilton, Handy, Harlow, Hathaway, Hawes-Howes, Higgins, Hinkley, Hoar-Lawton-Southworth, Holmes, Hopkins, Howland, Hurd, Jennings, Keeney, Keny, Kent, Knowles, Landers, Lapham, Lay, Lazell, Leach, Le Baron, Mahieu, Marshall, Marstoon, Martin, Matthews, Maverick, May, Mayo, Miller-Cook-Clark-Hall-Crosby-Smith, Mitchell, Mullins, Nash-Sampson-Soule, Nichols-Lewis-Hopkins, Nye, Nye-Snow, Oates, Otis, Paine, Payn, Parker, Peck, Peirce, Perkins, Perry, Peterson, Pratt, Priest, Ramsdell, Rich, Rider/Ryder, Robinson, Rosbotham, Sampson, Samson-Lawrence, Scott & White, Sears, Shaw, Sherman, Silvester, Smyth, Smith, Snell, Snow, Soule, Standish, Steevens, Stimpson, Stockbridge, Swinnerton, Thayer, Thomas, Tibbets-Snow-Kemp, Tupper, Waite, Warren, Washburn, Williamson, Watson, Weaver, Webb, West, Weston, Wheeler, Wilcox, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winslow, Wiswall, and Wolcott.
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