Baltimore County, Maryland, Marriage Licenses, May 1, 1798 to February 11, 1815


Author: Ports, Michael A.
Publication Date: 2013
Pages: ii 308 pp.
ISBN: 9780806356655


Baltimore County clerks began recording marriage licenses filed there in 1777. The first manuscript volume of official marriage licenses begins on November 3, 1777, and continues through April 30, 1798. Since those records were published previously, this book contains subsequent records, namely licenses from May 1, 1798, through February 11, 1815.

Here are the particulars: The transcribed licenses are presented in a tabular format with the date, license number, name of the groom, name of the bride, surname of the minister (when available), and page number in the original record. The licenses are arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the groom; the index includes only the surnames of the brides. The researcher should be aware that the record contains only the date that the license was granted, not the date of the marriage ceremony. (The absence of the minister’s surname could indicate that the marriage did not take place, the minister failed to return the license after the ceremony, or the clerk failed to record the name after the return was received.) On other occasions a note indicating the race, previous marital status, or even parentage was added in the original. Such notes appear in italics in the tabular transcription. This book references about 10,000 marriages.

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