John Grenham, whose book we have excerpted in the previous article, is considered to be the leading authority on Irish genealogy. has been proud to publish the North American version of each edition of John’s book, including the just released Fifth Edition. Tracing Your Irish Ancestors is a UK publication which we license to[…]Read more
Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter Highlights Our Publications
Recent issues of Dick Eastman’s “Online Genealogy Newsletter” featured positive reviews of a number of our new books or book series. Since EOGN is the most influential and largest of the Genealogy blogs and e-zines, we are always pleased when our authors/books get a mention. Each of the new reviews was written by Bobbi King[…]Read more

EOGN Book Review Praises The Royal Descents of 900 Immigrants to the American Colonies, Quebec, or the United States
Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, April 30, 2019 The Royal Descents of 900 Immigrants to the American Colonies, Quebec, or the United States. By Gary Boyd Roberts. Published by Genealogical Publishing Co. 2018. 1611 pages. This is a remarkable compilation of genealogies of the descendants of British royalty who are themselves notable in some way or[…]Read more
The Ancestry of the New British Royal Baby Explained in RD 900 – By Gary Boyd Roberts
Perhaps surprisingly to many readers, the new royal child—Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor–is descended from six of the 970 immigrants to the U.S. treated in Gary Roberts’ two-volume Royal Descents of 900 Immigrants (RD 900). The five the royal baby inherits from the late Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother or from the late Diana Princess of[…]Read more
“Always Baptists, You Say?”, by Terrence M. Punch, Halifax, Nova Scotia
We’ve run this article by the late, great Nova Scotian genealogist, Terry Punch, a few times; however, it is such an important cautionary (and humorous) tale about the search for church records, we’re running it again today. Some years ago, when religious sectarianism was closer to the surface, people spoke of the marriage of a[…]Read more

Irish Newspapers Online from Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. 5th Edition, by John Grenham
The 5th edition of the definitive textbook for Irish roots, Tracing Your Irish Ancestors, by John Grenham, is available from in an exclusive hardcover edition. The most important development in Irish genealogy since Mr. Grenham published his previous edition in 2011 has been the enormous strides in posting Irish family content on the Internet.[…]Read more
Offer In effect until 11:59 PM EDT, May 30, 2019 USE COUPON CODE: MDS19 at Checkout Welcome to our annual Memorial Day Sale. From today through 11:59 PM EDT, Thursday May 30th, 2019, you can order any product available on this website at a discount of 15% OFF the current selling price of the books(s) of your[…]Read more
Progen PPS explains options for family history writing
Another valuable chapter in Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards, edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills, illustrates the different ways in which genealogists have structured their published work over the years. Chapter 22, “Crafting Family Histories,” which was written by Michael Leclerc, itemizes seven different formats for family history writing that have appeared over many decades.[…]Read more
With Specific Resources for Major Christian Denominations before 1900 By Sunny Jane Morton & Harold A. Henderson, CG Records created by the major Christian denominations before 1900 in the United States are an underutilized resource for family historians. In these records, you may find ancestors’ births, maiden or married names, marriage details, deaths, family relationships,[…]Read more
Now Available! The all-new Fifth Edition of TRACING YOUR IRISH ANCESTORS
By John Grenham Tracing Your Irish Ancestors is the undisputed “go to” book for Irish genealogy. For the first time since 2011, this distinguished book is now available in a brand new fifth edition. As author John Grenham writes in the preface to the Fifth Edition, “A revolution in access to Irish genealogical records has[…]Read more
Memorial Day and the Civil War Roll of Honor
The Memorial Day holiday we celebrate commemorates the Americans who lost their lives in the service of their country. The origins of the Memorial Day holiday go back to the era of the American Civil War, and they are shrouded in some controversy. The U.S. National Park Service credits women of Columbus, Georgia, with “establishing”[…]Read more
Finding Your World War I Ancestor
Suppose family legend has it that your great-grandfather served in the Polish army during World War I. If his service records have survived, you assume you will be able to find them without any trouble. In reality, however, it is not quite that simple. Between October 1914 and September 1917, for example, some Polish combatants[…]Read more