This is the standard reference work on all aspects of Scottish heraldry with complete details on the history, science and practice. It contains abundant references to original sources of information and full details on the procedure for obtaining a grant of arms. The plates include reproductions of heraldic bookplates, extracts of matriculations of arms, birthbrieves, genealogical trees, and illustrations of heraldic design in architecture.
Prepared by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, Scots Heraldry is the acknowledged standard on the subject of Scottish heraldry, which is entirely distinct in administration from the English system. The book includes a bibliography of works related to Scots heraldry and extracts of Acts of Parliament with special bearing on the office of Lord Lyon King of Arms. More to the point, the reader will find the simple and entrancing story of how Scottish heraldry originated, grew, and adapted itself to Scottish requirements.
“The finest book of its kind ever published.”–Scotland’s Heraldry (1962).
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