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Why the Revised Third Edition of EVIDENCE EXPLAINED, by Elizabeth Shown Mills is a Must-Have for your Book Shelf

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Revised Third Edition of EVIDENCE EXPLAINED, by Elizabeth Shown Mills Now Available

Purchasers of Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards should also acquire another standard reference work from Elizabeth Shown Mills, the  Revised Third Edition of her indispensable book, Evidence Explained. Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace.

When it comes citation and analysis of historical and genealogical information, Mrs. Mills has produced a guide so thorough that it leaves nothing to chance—except for the passage of time. In the two years since the Third Edition changes at major repositories and online information providers, and the ever-evolving electronic world, have generated new citation and analysis challenges for researchers.  As a consequence, Mrs. Mills has once again revised her citation models and descriptions and evaluations of numerous contemporary materials not included in the original Third Edition.

Here are the major changes you will find in the Revised Third Edition:

  • Changes to about 75 pages in the text and index.
  • New Citations for the National Archives (NARA) website and manner of identifying documents.
  • Updates for citing DAR’s revamped website and databases.
  • Alterations in citation for the  D.A.R. website and database.
  • Immigration citations reflecting changed records at the Ellis Island web site.

As a regular reader of “Genealogy Pointers,” you know how much importance we place upon Elizabeth Shown Mills’ publications. If you haven’t already bought Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards or Evidence Explained. Revised Third Edition, there is no better time. And remember, buy one or both of these fine publications and we’ll ship them to you at no extra charge!

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Have questions about Evidence Explained and why it’s one of the best genealogy books?  Please leave them in the comments section below!