The 2018 National Genealogical Society Conference takes place at the Devos Place Convention Center, from May 2-5, 2018. If you are planning to attend, please stop by the Genealogical.com exhibit (Booth #134). The conference as a whole is a learning extravaganza, with classes every day on best research practices, breaking technological developments for your computer, tablet or smartphone, virtually any state or region of genealogical interest known to humankind, genetic genealogy, and a large exhibits area crowded with vendors of every stripe and description. Speaking of exhibitors, we’ll have a large selection of our most recent and popular titles on U.S. and world genealogy. To learn more about the conference itself, visit the NGS website.
Here are just a few of the highlights of our 2018 NGS exhibit:
- We will have multiple copies of the three new blockbuster titles we have published since the 2017 NGS Conference: (1) Professional Genealogy. Preparation, Practice & Standards, by Elizabeth Shown Mills, Editor (ProGen PPS) is a sequel to Mrs. Mills’ original 2001 Professional Genealogy (Progen). Progen PPS provides a complete course of instruction to prepare genealogists for a career in a complex field; (2) The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy. New 4th Edition, by Val D. Greenwood. First published in 1973 and updated in 2017, The Researcher’s Guide has been the book of choice for introductory genealogy courses for over 40 years. It’s back in a brand new edition and better than ever!; and (3) Royal Descents of 900 Immigrants, by Gary Boyd Roberts, the definitive work on American families possessing royal or noble lines (see previous article).
- We will be displaying new editions of several other titles in Grand Rapids, including: (1) The acclaimed primer, American Settlements and Migrations by Lloyd Bockstruck; (2) Indian Wars of the American South, the monumental synthesis by Michael Ports; and (3) the Revised and Expanded edition of Judy Jacobson’s History for Genealogists, a vast collection of historical timelines for use by genealogists.
- Check out our two growing series of inexpensive, portable, laminated research aids: Quicksheet, by Elizabeth Shown Mills; and Genealogy at a Glance, by various authors. The Quicksheet series now numbers ten products, six for citing sources—including the latest on genetic ones– and four on methodology and genealogical problem analysis (the Historical Biographer’s Guides). Our Genealogy at a Glance guides now number thirty-four! and consist of country guides, state guides, and subject research aids, including the latest ones on the War of 1812 and Genetics Basics.
- David Dobson has compiled well over 100 books for Genealogical.com on Scottish, Irish, and other phases of immigration to the New World. His latest efforts have focused on the history of the colonial trade between Scotland and Charleston, South Carolina; and on the colonial inhabitants of Fife, Scotland, and the Leeward Island. You can browse them in Grand Rapids.
- We will have scores of other titles on display in Grand Rapids, such as books by Vernon Skinner ( including his ongoing series of Provincial Maryland debt books), Jeff Bowen (Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Seminole, and Chickasaw family connections), and Michael A. Ports (Georgia Free Persons of Color and various collections of Jefferson County, GA records)], and you are welcome to browse them at our exhibit.
We look forward to seeing you in Grand Rapids in less than a month!