Now Three Consolidations of David Dobson’s Scottish, Scots-Irish, and Irish Books

Now Three Consolidations of David Dobson’s Scottish, Scots-Irish, and Irish Books

The publication in 2024 of the two-volume Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, by Dr. David Dobson, marks the third consolidated edition of Dr. Dobson’s works issued in recent years. The Scottish Soldiers collection identifies over 10,000 Scottish soldiers who served in the Americas, many of whom fought in the French and Indian War and/or the[…]Read more

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More New Fall Publications

More New Fall Publications

In recent issues of “Genealogy Pointers,” we have written about Vera Miller’s second contribution to the “Genealogy at a Glance” series that covers the Ukraine. (Vera previously had written a similar guide to Russian research.) We also announced the second edition of Paul Heinegg’s  Free African Americans of Maryland and Delaware From the Colonial Period[…]Read more

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Connections between the U.S., Canada, and Mother County Abound in Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America Consolidated Edition

Connections between the U.S., Canada, and Mother County Abound in ‘Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America Consolidated Edition’

Between 1997 and 2024, published the nine-volume series, Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, by Dr. David Dobson. We are delighted to present those books in a new, fully indexed, consolidated edition. This new edition identifies over 10,000 Scottish soldiers who served in the Americas. Dr. Dobson has attached a detailed list of Scottish regiments[…]Read more

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Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America

New Consolidated Edition: Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America

Between 1997 and 2024, published the nine-volume series, Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, by Dr. David Dobson. We are delighted to present those books in a new, fully indexed, consolidated edition. Although Scottish soldiers could be found in the Americas during the seventeenth century—oftentimes originally transported as prisoners of war and subsequently recruited into[…]Read more

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