Charles Edward Banks: Great Genealogist & Great Man

Students of New England genealogy recognize Charles E. Banks (1854-1931) as one of the patriarchs of genealogical scholarship. During his lifetime, he was widely acknowledged to be one of the leading authorities on northern New England families. His two-volume “History of York, Maine” (a third volume was in preparation at the time of his death)[…]Read more

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Rhode Island Genealogy

Spotlight on Rhode Island and Rhode Island Genealogy Periodicals

Rhode Island’s diminutive size belies its genealogical importance. Founded in 1636 by Roger Williams, Rhode Island throughout the colonial period served as a haven for religious and political dissenters. In fact, its royal charter of 1647 insured religious freedom and a democratic form of government for its freemen. Ironically, because the colonists’ livelihood was heavily[…]Read more

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New Genealogy Books

New December Releases from

Check out our new releases for December 2020. Three new genealogy reference works available now from “much given to Talk and bad Company.” New-England Runaways, 1704-1754By Joseph Lee Boyle Mr. Boyle, who has heretofore extracted the runaway servant newspaper ads for the Middle Atlantic colonies/states, (MD, DE, NJ, PA & NY), now turns his[…]Read more

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