For this work Mr. O’Callaghan set for himself the task of identifying the name, location, and date of service of every Dutch official to serve in New Netherland until the last trace of Dutch authority was removed in 1674. Coverage includes Directors of the Dutch West India Company, Commissioners of New Amstel, Patroons of New Netherland, Directors General, Members of the Council of New Netherland, Clerks and Secretaries to the Council, Surveyors General, Commissaries of Districts, Representatives of the Commonality of Manhattan and Brooklyn, Burgomasters and Schepens, Orphan Masters, Magistrates, Town Clerks, Town Treasurers, Court Messengers, Provost Marshals, Fire Wardens, Clergymen, Notaries, School Masters, Physicians, Midwives, Ambassadors, Members of the General Assembly, Commissioners, and the names of the Great and Small Burghers of New Netherland.
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