The Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder

9 vols. in 3


Author: Watson, Stephen Marion
Publication Date: 1884-1898
Reprint Date: 2013
Pages: 2,500 pp.
ISBN: 9780806305363


A repository of genealogical data on Maine unequaled by any other work on the subject, The Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder is back in print in a handy three-volume edition. Complete sets of this scarce and valuable periodical are almost unknown, and it is advisable that libraries and individuals interested in Maine genealogy (and Massachusetts for that matter, since Maine only separated from its mother state in 1820) place their orders immediately for this unique reprint edition.
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The work consists of a multitude of articles covering every conceivable facet of Maine genealogy, with special emphasis on town and church records, biographies, family histories, and cemetery inscriptions. Documentation and research meet the most impeccable professional standards, and contributions are unique and exhaustive. The researcher is spared the necessity of digging through thousands of extant records in various locations and is able to examine many records that no longer exist in the original. Typical contents include articles on religious and ethnic settlements, early pioneers, army musters, land grants and claims, births, marriages and deaths, historical sketches, wills, censuses, and town histories. Each of the nine volumes is separately indexed, the names alone numbering nearly 15,000 altogether.

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