
New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial

Third Series. Four Volumes


Author: Cutter, William Richard
Publication Date: 1915
Reprint Date: 2003
Pages: 2,395 pp. total


Between 1913 and 1916, William Richard Cutter published four separate series entitled New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial. The First Series, published in 1913, featured genealogical and biographical essays on nearly 1,000 New England families. The Second Series (1914), while containing some families not found in 1913, is substantially similar to its predecessor. The Fourth Series is essentially a collection of biographies and, thus, does not command quite the same interest among genealogist. The Third Series (1915), however, is composed of nearly 1,000 additional New England genealogical and biographical essays not found in the First Series and promises to enable New England researchers to investigate 1,000 additional lineages and nearly 10,000 New England ancestors unique to it.

Each genealogical sketch offers a derivation or origin for the surname of that essay. The family history is traced forward from the oldest known ancestor of the line to the family member (living or memorialized) featured in the sketch, for whom, in turn, a biography–often with photograph–is provided. This is followed, frequently, by additional, collateral lines linked to the subject of the essay. It should be emphasized that many of these lineages go back to 16th-century England, still others brim with Mayflower connections, yet on the whole constitute a totally unique assemblage of New England families. Finally, the name index found at the back of the last volume identifies the nearly 10,000 principal descendants of the main families treated:

Abbot, Adams, Adreon, Akeley, Albee, Alden, Aldrich, Alexander, Alger, Allan, Allbee, Allen, Allerton, Alley, Allyn, Ames, Amsbury, Andrews, Angell, Angevine, Anthony, Armington, Arnold, Aseltine, Austin, Babbitt, Babcock, Backus, Bacon, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Ballou, Bancroft, Bangs, Banigan, Banks, Barber, Barbour, Barker, Barnes, Barney, Barrell, Barrows, Bartlett, Barton, Bascom, Bass, Bassett, Bates, Beaman, Bean, Beckwith, Belden, Bellows, Bennett, Benson, Benton, Besse, Bickford, Bicknell, Bigelow, Binney, Birge, Bisbee, Bishop, Blackden, Blaisdell, Blake, Blanchard, Blanding, Blethen, Bliss, Bliven, Blodgett, Blossom, Boardman, Bodine, Bolles, Bolstridge, Boone, Borden, Bosworth, Boulier, Bourne, Boutwell, Bowen, Boyce, Boylston, Boynton, Bradford, Bradley, Bragdon, Bragg, Braley, Branch, Bridgham, Briggs, Brigham, Brinsmade, Britten, Brockway, Broder, Brooks, Brouwer, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bugbee, Bulkley, Bullard, Bullock, Burbank, Burdick, Burgess, Burke, Burlingame, Burnham, Burns, Burr, Burrows, Buxton, Buzzell, Byam, Cadle, Cady, Calderwood, Cameron, Campbell, Capron, Carlisle, Carmichael, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carver, Cary, Caswell, Chace, Chadsey, Chaffee, Champlin, Chandler, Chapman, Chase, Cheney, Cherry, Chesebrough, Chesley, Chester, Childe, Childs, Christie, Church, Churchill, Claflin, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Closson, Clough, Coan, Coates, Cobb, Coburn, Cochran, Cochrane, Coe, Coes, Coffin, Colburn, Cole, Collyer, Colt, Colton, Comstock, Conant, Congdon, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Coombs, Coon, Cooper, Copeland, Corey, Corliss, Cornell, Cornier, Cory, Cote, Cottle, Coy, Cozzens, Crafts, Craig, Crandall, Crane, Cranston, Crehore, Crockett, Crosby, Cross, Crossman, Crouse, Crowell, Cummings, Currier, Curtis, Cushing, Cushman, Cutler, Cutter, Daley, Dalton, Damon, Dana, Daniels, Danielson, Darling, Dart, Davenport, Davis, Day, Dean, De Boer, Deland, Deming, Dennett, Dewey, Dewing, De Wolf, Dexter, Dickinson, Diman, Dimond, Dole, Doten, Douglas, Douglass, Dow, Dowley, Drake, Draper, Drew, Dring, Drowne, Drury, Dudley, Duffy, Dunbar, Dunnell, Durfee, Durgan, Durgin, Duston, Dutton, Dwinell, Dyer, Earle, Easler, Eastman, Eaton, Eddie, Eddy, Edgar, Edgecomb, Edmonds, Edson, Edwards, Eldridge, Elliott, Ellis, Emerson, Emery, Esterbrook, Estey, Evans, Everett, Fales, Farmer, Farnam, Farnham, Farnum, Farr, Farrell, Farrington, Farwell, Fayer, Fenno, Ferguson, Ferrin, Ferris, Ferry, Fischer, Fish, Fisher, Fiske, Flanders, Flannery, Flemming, Fletcher, Flint, Fogg, Ford, Foss, Foster, Fox, Freeman, French, Frenier, Frothingham, Fuller, Gage, Gallagher, Gallup, Gamage, Gammell, Gardiner, Gardinier, Gardner, Gartland, Gates, Gay, Gellerson, George, Getchell, Gibson, Gilchrist, Giles, Gillette, Gilpatric, Gladding, Gleason, Glidden, Goble, Goddard, Godfrey, Goff, Gooch, Goodhue, Goodiell, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gorham, Gorton, Goss, Gould, Gowdey, Graham, Granger, Grant, Gray, Greene, Greenlaw, Greenough, Gridley, Griffin, Grindle, Griswold, Grosvenor, Grout, Guernsey, Guild, Guiteras, Hacker, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hallett, Hamblin, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hammond, Hapgood, Hardison, Harlow, Harmon, Harriman, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartness, Hartshorn, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Haskell, Hassett, Hatch, Havens, Hawes, Hawley, Hayden, Hays, Hayward, Hazard, Hazelton, Hazen, Heaton, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Herreshoff, Herrick, Hersey, Hicks, Hidden, Higgins, Hill, Hinds, Hinsdale, Hiscock, Hoadly, Hoar, Hodgman, Hoit, Holbrook, Holcombe, Holden, Hollister, Hollywood, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Holyoke, Hone, Hooker, Hopkins, Horn, Horton, Houghton, Howard, Howe, Howes, Howland, Hoyle, Hoyt, Hubbard, Hudson, Huling, Humphrey, Hunt, Huntington, Hurlbert, Hutchins, Hyde, Ide, Ingalls, Ingraham, Inman, Insley, Irish, Ives, Jackson, Jaquith, Jenckes, Jenks, Jennison, Jewett, Jillson, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Judson, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelly, Kelton, Kendall, Kent, Kenyon, Keyes, Kidder, Kilburn, Kilton, Kimball, King, Kingman, Kingsbury, Kinlock, Kinney, Kinnicut, Kinson, Kirkland, Kitchen, Knight, Knowles, Kramer, Lance, Lane, Lang, Langdon, Langworthy, Lanphear, Larrabee, Lawless, Lawrence, Lawton, Lear, Learnard, Leavitt, Lee, Leland, Lemmon, Lente, Leonard, Leslie, Leviston, Lewis, Lillie, Lippitt, Littlefield, Livermore, Locke, Lockwood, Longley, Loomis, Lord, Loud, Lovell, Lowe, Ludington, Lundy, Luther, Lyford, Lyman, Lynch, McCain, McCullough, McCune, McDonnell, McElroy, McElwain, McGlauflin, McGregor, McGuiness, McKenney, McKewen, McLaughlin, McLeod, McNally, McQuarrie, MacLaughlan, Mack, Mackenzie, Macomber, Maddox, Main, Manchester, Mann, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Mather, Matson, Matteson, Matthewson, Mayo, Mead, Merrill, Merriman, Merritt, Metcalf, Millar, Miller, Millerd, Mills, Miner, Moles, Monroe, Moody, Mooers, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Morrill, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moses, Mosher, Moss, Moulton, Mower, Mowry, Mudge, Munro, Munroe, Murdock, Murray, Nedeau, Nevers, Newcomb, Newton, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson, Nightingale, Niles, Noble, Norris, Norton, Nowland, Noyes, O’Brien, O’Dell, Olney, Ordway, Ormsby, Orr, Orvis, O’Sullivan, Otis, Packard, Page, Paine, Palmer, Park, Parker, Parkhurst, Partridge, Patch, Pattee, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Peaks, Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peck, Peckham, Peirce, Pelletier, Pelton, Perkins, Perrine, Perry, Phelps, Phetteplace, Phillips, Pickard, Pierce, Pierson, Pike, Pindell, Pingree, Plummer, Pollard, Pomeroy, Pomroy, Pond, Pool, Poole, Porter, Post, Potter, Powel, Powers, Pratt, Prescott, Preston, Prevost, Punshon, Putnam, Putney, Rackliffe, Rafford, Randall, Randolph, Ransom, Rawson, Ray, Razee, Read, Reed, Remington, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ricker, Rideout, Ripley, Roberts, Robertson, Robie, Robinson, Rockwood, Rodman, Rogers, Root, Rose, Ross, Royce, Rublee, Rugg, Rumrill, Rush, Russell, Ryan, Ryder, Sackett, Safford, Salisbury, Sanderson, Sanford, Sargent, Saunders, Sayles, Schaer, Schermerhorn, Schofield, Scofield, Scribner, Seal, Searles, Sessions, Sewall, Shapleigh, Sharpe, Shaw, Shedd, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepardson, Shepley, Sherman, Sherry, Shorey, Shufelt, Simmonds, Simmons, Sisson, Skiff, Skinner, Slade, Slater, Slayton, Slocum, Smalley, Smith, Smyth, Snow, Soule, Southard, Sparks, Sparrow, Spaulding, Spear, Spearin, Spencer, Spofford, Spooner, Sprague, Stanard, Stanchfield, Standish, Stanley, Stanton, Staples, Stark, Stearns, Stebbins, Stedman, Steele, Stephens, Stevens, Stewart, Stimson, Stiness, Stinson, Stoddard, Stone, Stratton, Strong, Stuart, Studley, Sturges, Sumner, Sutton, Sweet, Sylvester, Taft, Taylor, Teel, Temple, Templeton, Tenney, Terry, Tewksbury, Thalheimer, Thayer, Thibault, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thurber, Thurlough, Thurston, Tiffany, Tilley, Tillinghast, Tillotson, Timothy, Tinkham, Titcomb, Todd, Tompkins, Towne, Trafton, Trainor, Treadwell, Truman, Tupper, Turner, Tuttle, Twichell, Tyler, Tyzzer, Updike, Upham, Utter, Van Heusen, Vaughan, Viall, Viles, Vincent, Vose, Waite, Wakefield, Waldron, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Waller, Walton, Ward, Wardwell, Warfield, Warland, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Waterman, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Weare, Weaver, Webster, Weeden, Weekes, Weeks, Welch, Welles, Wentworth, West, Westcott, Wetherell, Whalen, Wheaton, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whidden, Whitcomb, White, Whitehouse, Whitney, Whiton, Whittemore, Wickes, Wiggin, Wightman, Wilber, Wilbour, Wilbur, Wilcox, Wilder, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willard, Willcox, Willey, Williams, Willis, Willoughby, Willson, Wilson, Wing, Wingate, Winslow, Witham, Withered, Wolcott, Wolfe, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodbury, Woodcock, Woods, Woodward, Woolworth, Worden, Worthen, Wright, Wyman, Yeomans, York, Young, and Ziegler.

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