This compilation of Kentucky records contains data on upwards of 15,000 persons (all indexed) taken from Bibles, tombstones, obituaries, birth certificates, vital statistics, tax books, deeds, wills, and marriage and census records. The counties covered include Bourbon, Bracken, Caldwell, Calloway, Christian, Fayette, Fleming, Franklin, Hardin, Hopkins, Jefferson, Jessamine, Larue, Lincoln, Livingston, Mason, Mercer, and Woodford. In addition, the work contains genealogies or family records of the following main families: Bartlett, Baskett, Bayles, Bourland-Reese, Brownfield-Brumfield, Caldwell, Carson, Cowgill, Cox, Cromwell, Denton, Denton-Leer, Earle-Dillingham, Elkin, Fristoe, Haley, Harrod, Laffoon, Land, Lauderman, Leer, Milam, Mitchell, Neal, Nichols, Randolph, Reed, Rees, Tribble, and Worthington.
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