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Best Genealogy Books and Best Family History Books

The Best Books in Genealogy & Family History

Whether you don’t know where to begin your family history–or have hit a brick wall– Genealogical.com can help.


With over 70 years in the genealogy business, we’ve published hundreds of how-to books and research aids–by experts–that are available in print or as eBooks. The following three titles are written to help the newbie, intermediate, or advanced family historian, respectively. Even better, you can save 20% on any of them by applying the discount code ALC123 (no spaces) during the check-out process.


Generation by Generation: A Modern Approach to the Basics of Genealogy, by Drew Smith

Generation by Generation uses multiple screen shots to teach you about the major websites in American genealogy, the potential of DNA testing, and much more. You will also learn about the most important records for finding your ancestors. A completely fresh and friendly approach for beginners! View Book Details

The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy

The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy. Fourth edition, by Val D. Greenwood

In over 700 pages, this celebrated textbook describes in detail the methods and records for genealogy detective work.  With entire chapters about census records, vital records, newspapers, wills, church records, cemeteries, etc., this is the perfect book for the intermediate genealogist! View Book Details

Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards. edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills

This is a book about genealogical excellence. Edited by America’s most celebrated genealogist, Professional Genealogy examines reasoning from evidence, problem analysis, ethical considerations, copyright and fair use, publishing, and much more. Definitely for the advanced genealogist! View Book Details

Books and eBooks

Besides our guidebooks, Genealogical.com has published a vast collection of records and genealogies devoted to families who came here between 1607 and 1865. You’ll find books on Native American, African American, and royal and noble families. We have also just launched a new E-book subscription service (My GPC Library) where you can search for names across eight hundred publications! View My GPC Library

No matter your stage as a genealogist, or your preference for print versus eBook,  we’re confident we can help. Please check out Genealogical.com today—and don’t forget to save 20% on your first purchase with code ALC123!